Thursday, September 9, 2010

postheadericon Grandparents Rule

Grandparents Day is this Sunday and I am convinced that the prayers of my maternal grandmother are the reason I am a Christian today. Although she died when I was over a decade old the legacy she left was one of a loving service to God, family and others. Ironically, she collapsed and died one Sunday morning while getting ready to go to church and lead a Bible study.

Just a few months ago I had the opportunity to speak at the funeral of another wonderful grandmother. She was the grandmother of my children. She too was a servant. She too was a Bible teacher. She too was a woman of influence even though she never was a person of affluence. She died in the home she was born in the arms of another great grandmother, my wife.

Last week I had the opportunity to "babysit" my granddaughter while her parent when on a "date."  I must admit I would have rather read a book of my own instead of her select.  I also would have watch something other than "Mickey" on T.V.  However, the highlight of our few hours alone was when she cuddled up under my arm.  A sign of affection?  A sign of trust?  Whatever the reason I loved it.

While my wife and I have only been grandparents for just over two years it has been a joy. This joy is not uncommon. According to 72% think being a grandparent is the single most important and satisfying thing in their life.

Here’s more evidence that grandparents love their role

• 63% say they can do a better job caring for grandchildren than they did with their own

• 68% think being a grandparent brings them closer to their adult children

• 90% enjoy talking about their grandkids to just about everyone

Grandparents take care of the grandchildren.

• 72% take care of their grandchildren on a regular basis

• 13% are primary caregivers

• 92% have changed their grandchild's diaper

• 64% accompany their adult children or grandchildren to the doctor

Grandparents are generous with their time and money.

• They make 45% of the nation’s cash contributions to nonprofit organizations.

• They account for 42% of all consumer spending on gifts.

• 15% have volunteered at a shelter

Oh, and don’t forget this Sunday, September 12, 2010 is Grandparents Day. About 66% of grandparents have never celebrated this day. Make it a special day for a grandparent you know and love.


Stefanie Dewhurst said...

Thanks for making me cry dad! You are such a great grandfather to Caroline! And you are a wonderful father! I love you!


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