Thursday, November 10, 2011

postheadericon Sexual Abuse - Protecting Your Child

Sexual Abuse - Protecting Your Child

Safeguarding our children should begin very early in life.  And many safeguards are dependent upon the parent actions in a variety of ways.  Here is a limited list of some of the considerations.
  •  Don’t insist that your child hug or kiss relatives or friends.  Allow then to express appropriate affection on their terms.
  •  Let your child know that their feelings are important.  Intervene in situations where you notice that a child is not comfortable with what adults ask them to do. However, this is not a means by which a child should escape their responsibilities such as cleaning up after themselves.
  •  When a child is a toddler begin teaching them the proper names of body parts.
  •  As a preschooler begin teaching your child about private body parts and how to say “no” if anyone attempts to touch them or makes them uncomfortable. Give then direct answers about sex.
  •  In the early elementary years talk to children about good touches and bad touches and how to be safe when away from home.
  •  By late elementary school focus on teaching your child about personal safety issues.
  •  In the teen years discuss issues such as rape, date rape, HIV, pregnancy and other sexually related topics. Take advantage of “teachable moment.”
  • Know where your child spends their time.
  • Make unannounced visits to the nursery, daycare center or school. Make sure there are not areas considered off limits to parents.
  • Determine if your child’s school or church programs require child protection training for staff and volunteers.  What is the staff and volunteer screening process?  Is there a two-person rule which limits your child being alone in a one to one situation with another adult?
  •   DO NOT allow a child to go alone on a “vacation” or other outing with any adult other than parents or highly trusted family members.
  • DO NOT allow your child to travel alone with any adult to school, church or other destination.
  • DO NOT allow your child to accept expensive gifts from adults, particularly those who single them out.

Please do not hesitate to post specific questions.  

In my next post I will address a growing area of risk; the internet and other electronic means of communications.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Child Sexual Abuse – Consider the Reality

In light of the recent reports of child sexual abuse by a trusted coach with Penn State I am sharing some important insights that ALL those who have responsibilities for children should consider. But this is much more than opinion.

What I am sharing is based on my background, training, and experience as a:
·         Retired criminal investigator that have investigated crime against children in the U.S. and abroad.
·         Developer and instructor of a national child sex abuse investigation training program.
·         Foster parent who has provided a safe haven for more than 30 children.
·         Leader in a child welfare agency.
·         As the parent of two daughters who were stalked by a sexual predator now serving a length prison

 I can assure you that child sexual abuse is a threat to every family with children in America. I have seen the worst of the worst.  Please understand, child sexual abuse is a silent epidemic

It can happen to any family.  You can never be too vigilant.

·         90% of child sexual abuse victims know the perpetrator in some way; 68% are abused by family members.
·         Child abuse occurs at every socioeconomic level, across ethnic and cultural lines, within all religions and at all levels of education.

In the past I have personally taken into custody a physician, a clergyman, a scout leader and a elementary school teacher.  Please understand the typically child sex offender is a well respected member of society, is a skilled communicator, very friendly and engaging and often well educated.

In a future blog post I will address what parents and others responsible for the well being of children can do the protect the children they love.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

postheadericon Limitations + Unlimited God = Results

         Isn’t it amazing how God can use brief moments in time to teach us valuable lessons?  I experienced such a moment not long ago. It was only minutes before the beginning of a Sunday morning time of corporate worship. As the time drew near the chatter began to subside within the church worship center.  Those standing began to fill the pews.  I too was sliding in a pew with my family. I took a deep breath after a rushed morning.  Knowing how easily I can be distracted I whispered a short prayer, “Lord help me to focus on you and not those around me.”  
Then came the unexpected lesson.  His lesson would be brief but quite impacting. God did not provide a theme for the teaching.  But I will call the lesson, “Limitations + Unlimited God = Results”
Even though I prayed for no distractions, a distraction immediately happened.  My eyes locked onto a young man and woman coming down the aisle beside me.  The man was leading with the woman following.  He was talking. She was silent.   The scene passing me brought a smile to my face and joy to my heart because there was much more taking place than movement and words.  This couple was quite dependent on each other. And their dependence was quite obvious to others as well as myself.  You see, the man, a quadriplegic, was in a wheelchair. The woman was acting as his arms and legs but controlling the wheelchair.  But the woman was equally dependent on the man.  She needed his eyes because she was blind. Her white cane tucked under her arm.   Together their progress was smooth and steady. The sighted man was the navigator instructing the lady “pilot” when and where to turn and at what point to stop.  The young lady was the source of power and control moving them toward their destination.  
God reminded me though this act of mutual support how all of us have limitations or so-called disabilities.  Many of our limitations are not as visible as those of these two children of God.  But regardless of our inabilities we all have something to contribute in service to others. This couple had a common goal; join with others in worshiping their Lord.  I reflected on the reality that God sees what we cannot. His power is unlimited and can take us to destinations that we could never conceive, not to mention achieve without Him.
As I continued to ponder what I had observed in two Christians with visible limitations my thoughts turned to my two adopted children.  Both came to us as foster children.  Both entered life with what many would say were “two strikes against them.” And both have been given labels of, “disabled’, “special needs” and “handicapped.”
Neither my wife nor I had initially planned to provide them with a “forever family.” We were just seeking to help needy children for a season. But we not only discovered that they needed us.  We needed them; much like the couple needing each other as they moved down the aisle at church.  God used these two foster and later adopted children to challenge us, strengthen us and mold us for His glory.  God has blessed us through them in ways to numerous to count. Yes, there has been great heartache and at time even fear.  The pain and trials have been many.  But through it all there is an unexplainable peace and joy.  
But even before we adopted these two precious children God adopted us.  And it is only because of His adoption of me that I have the power to move forward in spite of my limitations. 
So, what are your limitations?  Who is guiding you? Who is providing the power to move you forward?  Think about it.
Sunday, September 25, 2011

 “I Couldn’t Do That To My Own Children”

     “Oh Bob, I couldn’t do that to my own children.” This is a statement I sometimes hear when talking to people about the possibility of ministering to needy children as a foster parent. When I hear comments like this I silently pray, “Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to be a foster parent and what it has done to my children.” Following is two of many reasons why I offer this prayer of thanksgiving; two of my daughters. 

     Today, I have two married daughters whose lives were intertwined with dozens of foster children for two decades.  From their earliest childhood experiences, seldom do they remember a time when foster children were not a part of our family. If you sat down with these two young women today and asked, “How did being a part of a foster family impact your life?” the response would be something like, “God blessed me as part of a foster family and helped shape me into the person I am today.” 

      Our oldest daughter was a “big sister” to dozens of children. I believe that because she was in an environment with so many younger children, she developed leadership and nurturing skills even before she entered elementary school.  As she grew she went on to become a leader in her high school and university and as an educator and mentor for at-risk children.  After serving as a mentor for at-risk teens, she was approached by a school administrator asking her to consider teaching in an intercity school with a highly diverse student body.  Later, as she interviewed for the position, she was asked about how she would deal with the challenges of a diverse student population where many of the students are from at-risk families.  Her response was something like, “As long as I can remember I have been a part of a family with a diverse population where many of the children were from at-risk families."  Because of her ability to adjust to all sorts of situations she was offered the job, and she readily accepted the challenge.  After just one year in the classroom with many troubled youth, she was named “New Teacher of the Year” in her large school system.

     And her husband is a servant as well (a good reason she was attracted to him). He has served his country as a U.S. Air Force Officer since graduating from college.  But his servant spirit began years previous as a firefighter and life guard.  As I proudly watch him work together with my daughter in parenting my beautiful granddaughter and handsome grandson, I am most thankful.

     Another reason for me to be thankful took place several months ago.   I observed my second daughter and the young man who is now her husband at a gathering of adults interested in orphan care.  While they where the youngest adults in attendance, they knew much more about the plight of orphans than some twice their age.  The ministers, community leaders, adoptive and foster families, and others child advocates all shared with others in attendance why they came to the gathering.  Near the end of the “share time” my son-in-law (who has been around our family for years) and daughter captured the attention of the group as they expressed their calling to reach out to needy children. Their passion for needy children was expressed with not only words but also tears as well. You see, both of them had “been there – done that.” They had not only heard about needs, they had touched and had been touched by the lives of the less fortunate in their community and beyond. This daughter and son-in-law had regularly traveled to serve children in an area that is labeled “poorest county in the U.S.” This daughter also worked at an orphanage in Uganda, cared for the children of young widows in our own community, and nurtured hundreds of children in a large church’s preschool ministry.  Now with a degree in early childhood education, she continues to impact the lives of little ones. And my new son-in-law?  Well, he is serving in an intercity church that has as one of its focuses, at-risk youth.

     Yes, when my wife and I first became foster parents our oldest daughter was very young.  And yes, we were somewhat concerned about how fostering would impact our daughter and later our other birth children. In fact, our adopted son, who was severely abused as an infant, came to us as a foster child and was adopted the same month our second daughter was born.  

     All families, regardless of the composition, have challenges and we have not been the exception.  However, looking back over the last twenty-five years we could not have imagined the positive impact that growing up as foster sisters would have on these two grown daughters.

     Finally I would like to say I am so thankful what God did through foster parenting to my wife and I and these two grown daughters.  Blessings do not always come to us as we expect. 
Friday, September 23, 2011

postheadericon Does Father Know Best?

Father Knows Best
For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.
Psalm 103:14
From October 3, 1954 'til September 17, 1960, father knew best. On 203 television episodes of Father Knows Best, Jim Anderson was the go-to guy for his family. Whether an episode's crisis revolved around Jim's wife, Margaret, or the three children—"Princess," "Bud," and "Kitten"—Jim was the man with a plan, week after week. Viewers knew that, within the space of a half hour, the most faithful and consistent father in America would always come through.
Christians also have a Father who knows best. And He knows best because He knows us so well. It should be an amazing source of comfort to every believer that they are known and loved intimately by the God who created them. "Episode after episode" in our lives, God is there to provide solutions and support in the way that He knows is best. The solutions may not come in a half hour like they did in the original TV show, but they will come—even if the solution is "No" or "Wait." God's answers are not given primarily for our comfort but for our conformity to Christ (Romans 8:29).
If you have a question or a crisis, take it to the Father who knows you best. You can trust His response, whatever it is.

What is a Christian? . . . The richest answer I know is that a Christian is one who has God as his Father.
J. I. Packer
Thursday, May 5, 2011

postheadericon Charity and Children

The key to teaching generosity is for parents to be a positive model of generosity. Demonstrate generosity in all areas of your life.  Then help your children catch the habit.

“Example is the school of mankind, and they will learn at no other.”  Edmund Burke

1. Give to your church.
Provide money to young children to give through their Sunday School class or during worship services. But first explain to them why they should give.

“We are the Bibles the world is reading; We are the creeds the world is needing; We are the sermons the world is heeding.”  Billy Graham 

2. Donate clothes and toys.
Take your children on a survey of their clothing and toys. Select items to give to their church clothing ministry, the Salvation Army or other charity providing to the needy.  Allow them to select which clothes or toys they wish to donate. The value of this activity is diminished greatly if you go through their closets for them without their presence. For maximum benefit, get your children involved in choosing the appropriate items.

3. Help a neighbor.
Regularly engage in a service-oriented project. Rake the leaves of an elderly couple. Send “care package” to someone in your community in military service.  Bake cookies or bread for a neighbor who has been hospitalized or lost a loved one.

4. Give blood.
Take your children with you so they see you as a model for giving. Talk to them about why you choose to donate blood and what you hope it will accomplish to do so.

5. Make birthdays charitable.
Set up birthday parties as a time for giving to others. Help your child find a cause and encourage children to ask those attending the party to bring a gift for children in need. 

"The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things." Plato

 6. Deliver nutrition.
Build food baskets around the holidays and give them to a needy family suggested by your church. Involve your children in selecting canned goods, fruit, and other treats to include. Decorate the gift package and deliver it together, as a family.

7. Change for a difference.
Create a charity jar to be used by the family when allowances are distributed. Invite children to share some of their allowance with others through donating to the jar. As the jar fills, decide as a family where to contribute the contents. Read about various charities on the Internet and share this information with your children to help them make an informed decision.

8. Help elders.
Do things for the elderly that they have trouble doing for themselves. Pick up sticks in your neighbor's yard after a big windstorm. Mow the grass for Grandma. Wash Grandpa's car. Clean their windows in the spring. Help them plant flowers.

9. Have a yard or garage sale.
Engage your child in the process including selecting toys, books, clothing and other items for the sale. With your child decide what percentage of the money received will go to meeting the needs of others and what cause.  A lemonade stand or selling baked good during the sale is a good way to engage children directly in the project.

10. Water for workers.
During hot weather buy some bottle water. With your child place the water in a cooler. Then go for a drive around the community looking for construction workers or others exposed to the heat of summer and offer them a drink.

Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future."  John F. Kennedy

postheadericon Scamming During Disaster

Regrettably there are many scams that take place in the midst of disasters that generous people are seeking to help. Here are some precautions to consider.

  • Normally, give to charities that you are familiar with and you have supported in the past.
  •   Make contributions directly to known organizations rather than relying on others to make the donation on your behalf.
  • Get a receipt, whenever possible, with the name of the charity on it.
  • When receiving online requests, only open email attachments from trusted senders.
  • Make sure the organization is legitimate. Go directly to the organization’s website and not an alleged link to the site.
  • Be very cautious of individuals claiming to collect funds for the needs of a specific family or individual including those claiming to have established special bank accounts.
  • Ask what percentage of the gifts will go to the intended purpose.
  • Be very cautious of those soliciting money in person, by phone or in emails that allege that they represent fire fighters, law enforcement or other first responders. Many scams exist.
  • Do not provide personal or financial information to anyone who solicits contributions; this could lead to identity theft.
  • Avoid cash donations. Whenever possible, pay with a check or credit card directly to the charity.
  • When providing gifts-in-kind of clothing, relief items and other tangible property, make sure that those receiving the items represent a legitimate organization.  Some will collect items that are not being provided to the intended users.

If you believe you have been a victim of a charity related scheme, contact the National Center for Disaster Fraud by telephone at (866) 720-5721, or by fax at (225) 334-4707, or by e-mail at  

You can also report suspicious e-mail solicitations or fraudulent websites to the Internet Crime Complaint Center at
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

postheadericon Protecting Children of the Storm

Protecting Children in the Aftermath of Disaster
The historic tornado outbreak of April 27, 2011 has not only changed the physical landscape of the Alabama but the landscape of families as well. Parents and others charged with safeguarding children must understand that while the very young can be quite resilient they must be protected after disasters as well.   And there are special threats that need consideration.
 We are seeing a great outpouring of compassion and generosity all over the region. Neighbors, churches and local charities were the first on the scene to offer a helping hand. With each passing day more help arrives to the stricken areas.  Situations like these bring out the best in people.  But there are a small percentage of people who will attempt to cause additional harm by preying on our children.
 From my decades of experience  as a law enforcement officer, criminal investigator, foster parent and serving with Alabama’s most diverse and comprehensive, faith-based child and family service agency   I can assure you that those who would prey on our children are often the least suspected and often include those well known to the victims and their families. 
Ironically, last weekend I was scheduled to conduct training for hundreds of church leaders providing weekday care for children in schools, day cares and other weekday activities.  I will share with you a brief glimpse of what I would have shared with childcare providers.
 Sexual Predators
 As with all states, there are thousands of convicted sex offenders in Alabama. While some have been discovered, many live and work among us undetected.  Sexual predators will often attempt “infiltrate” churches, charities, schools and other organizations serving children. Here's just a few ways to help protect "Children of the Storm."
  • If you know a family staying in a disaster shelters insure that they are vigilant in knowing where there children are at all time.  Shelters provided by the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army  are among those who know the risk related to children and seek to provide adequate security and safeguards.
      • When seeking childcare verify that all employees and volunteers with unaccompanied access to children have undergone a background screening. A sex offender central registry check is available at no cost through your county child protection agency.  In Alabama, contact the county DHR Office.  You can find the location at   
        • Insure that the child care facility has a child identification procedure that will prohibit unauthorized people from "checking out" children without proper authorization.
          • If you suspect anyone of preying on children, abusing or attempting to abuse a child in anyway contact local law enforcement or your child protection agency. In Alabama a list of the county offices can be found at to 
            •   If you know of children whose parent(s) is/are hospitalized or were killed in this disaster and are not in the care of a legal guardian contact your county child protection agency.
              • To learn who the registered sex offenders are in your community each state maintaining a database with public access. In Alabama the registry is found at
                For more information on protecting children in life’s storms please feel free to contact me.

                In a future post I plan to share about the emotional health of children following disasters.


                Saturday, April 9, 2011

                postheadericon Jesus Love Me - Not Just Kids Stuff

                For decades the Lord has placed needy children in my life in a variety of ways. First as a criminal investigator dealing with child abuse.  Then, by God's divine direction, as a foster parent and later an adoptive parent.  Today I have the privilege of playing a role in the lives of thousands abused, abandoned and neglect children.

                During this journey, Jesus Love Me, has offered much promise.  I have sang this song at bedtime thousands of times for my five children and dozens of others.  But it is much more than a simple child's song.  As the late Paul Harvey would say . . ."And now - the rest of the story.

                The song that has been at the center of teaching children about the love of Jesus was not created out of a desire to create a new song.  Jesus Loves Me became a reality out of despair.  The writers, Anna and Susan Warner were quite rare in 19th Century.  They were financially secure and well educated in a time when women were seldom afforded the opportunity for advanced schooling.  While the girls were motherless since childhood they were extraordinarily close to their father who was a most prominent New York Attorney.  These girls had no worries and few responsibilities. 

                Since there home was near the U.S. Military Academy at West Point they often spent their time teaching Sunday School for the cadets.  Through this experience they began to catch a glimpse of the commitment of these young men preparing to serve their country.

                Then in 1857 a national economic depression wiped out the Warren’s investments. All the material possessions with the exception of the family home were lost. Mr. Warren never recovered financial or emotionally from the losses.  Not long after Mr. Warren died.

                In order to provide for their back needs the Warren sister invested their considerable education in writing.  With a flair for fiction they wrote a novel, The Wide Wide Word, which became a best seller in a very short time.  They continued to write but none of their works would have such world-wide influence as did Anna’s writing of Say and Seal.  While the book itself would not go down in history as an America great its contribution has been long lasting. 

                In Say and Seal there is a scene in which a kind gentleman, Mr. Linden, comes to the bedside of a dying child, Johnny Fax.  As the child looks up at Mr. Linden for some kind of strength and hope Mr. Linden pats the boy softly while reciting the words of a poem

                Jesus loves me! This I know,
                For the Bible tells me so;
                Little ones to Him belong,
                They are weak but He is strong.

                Jesus loves me! He who died,
                Heaven's gate to open wide;
                He will wash away my sin,
                Let His little child come in.

                Jesus loves me! loves me still,
                When I'm very weak and ill;
                From His shining throne on high,
                Comes to watch me where I lie.

                Jesus loves me! He will stay,
                Close beside me all the way;
                He's prepared a home for me,
                And some day His face I'll see.

                These where the last words the boy would hear before his death and the most touching part of the hundreds of pages of the Say and Seal.

                Warren’s writing about trials and death and the love of Jesus and the promise of eternal life were her testimony. And the writing was likely inspired by the looming Civil War.  She knew that the North and South would likely come to blows over state rights and slavery.  Many of the young men she had taught in Sunday School at West Point would face death or grave injuries. Therefore, the words of the poem Jesus Loves Me was as much for the readers as for the imaginary Johnny Fax.

                Well, among the readers of Say and Seal was William B. Bradbury, one of the most influencial forces in American church music. On an evening in 1860 Bradbury sought to escape from his work with music and read a good book.  Yet when he read Say and Seal he was inspired to create music to accompany the words of the poem Jesus Loves Me. He immediately went to the piano and began composing the melody.  But sensing this was not enough he grabbed a pen and began writing a simple chorus.

                Yes, Jesus loves me!
                Yes, Jesus loves me!
                Yes, Jesus loves me!
                The Bible tells me so.

                With Warren’s permission he quickly published what would become an important children’s song.  But little did he know that this would be the most important song he ever brought to the American people.

                During the Civil War Jesus Loves Me quickly spread across the battlefield. At night time when battles were few soldiers would often gather around a campfire and sing Jesus Loves Me.  The song could be heard echoing on both sides of the battle lines.  Meanwhile, children and adults where singing this new hymn in churches, in schools and community gatherings.  During the four year period of the Civil War Jesus Loves Me became America’s favorite lullaby.

                And missionary began to spread the song abroad. It was often the first Christian song taught in Africa, Asia and South America. It has been claimed that Jesus Love Me has been responsible for more conversion that any song, Bible verse or hymn.

                Out of one woman’s desire to help a nation deal with and suffering in a war to come Warren subtle way of sharing her faith became the greatest missionary tool of all time.


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